The Failure of Corbynism's New Type of Politics
What did it? Did Labour lose in 2019 because of Corbyn or Brexit? Answers to this question tend to reflect an ideological divide within the Labour Party. Those who tend to be on the right of the Party, and who were not supporters of Corbyn, suggest that the disastrous result of 2019 was mainly the fault of the leader. Conversely, those who are on the left of the Party, and who were supporters of Corbyn, suggest that Brexit, in particular, Labour’s second referendum policy, was the main cause of Labour’s defeat. This latter group often mention that Corbyn was a variable in 2017 when the Labour Party did much better than expected, and in 2019 and so blame cannot be placed primarily at his door. While I identify as being on the left of the Labour Party and have consistently supported Corbyn during the most difficult years of his leadership, it is not true to suggest that the Corbyn variable was the same in 2019 as it was in 2017. That is, the Corbyn of 2019 was different from the ...