There and Back Again? Religious Studies and the Shadow of Theology
Abstract In its current state, the Study of Religion operates as an unstable and confused field in which, quite often, no differential is made between critical and confessional approaches. Drawing on collaborative work with other doctoral colleagues, we hold that a new Study of Religion is modelled from Critical Religion, adopting an anti-realist ontological framework which does not assume that our object of study exists ‘out-there’. Instead, ‘religion’ should be conceived of as a social construct, a product of language, particular histories, and intertwining relations of knowledge and power. Following this, we hold that discourse analysis is taken up as the primary methodological framework used by academics of religion. Doing so, we enter into the debate regarding the nature and position of the Study of Religion as a separate academic endeavour from that of other social and human sciences. Introduction This paper is the result of inquiries into the status of Re...