Some rough reflections on Labour's 2019 lost
The Conservative party has won a landslide victory. In many ways, this was predictable. Unfortunately, my strong desire for a Labour government clouded my judgement, so I will admit I was surprised to see Johnson win so big. There is already plenty of analysis going on. Many are now questioning the decision to come out in favour of a second referendum, which I now agree was probably a mistake. The commentary from the so-called centrists is, as you would expect, terrible – so there no need to detail it here; it is best ignored. Put simply, there were three main issues which help explain why Labour lost and lost so badly: Corbyn; Brexit; and policy. First, Corbyn is a controversial politician, and controversial politicians only have a limited amount of political capital – especially when the mainstream media is desperate to strip it from you. In simple terms, Corbyn was past his sell-by-date by the time of the 2019 election. Really, after the anti-Semitism controversy, and as t...